Regional Mobility Management and Training

SEAGO's Regional Mobility Management program is a result of federal and state mandates for

increased coordination efforts with a focus on expansion of services and greater cost efficiencies.

The goals and objectives of the program include:

  • Provide greater public access to transportation and transportation information;
  • Provide support to existing local mobility managers and transportation providers;
  • Identify ways to fill gaps in the provision of transportation services;
  • Identify ways to ease barriers and reduce costs for transportation providers;
  • Act as a conduit between transportation providers and transportation funders; and
  • Act as an advocate for the development of federal, state, and local policy that supports the 
    advancement of rural transportation opportunities and stated goals.

For information on the grant process or registering for the grant application training sessions being
provided by ADOT and SEAGO, please contact Jessica P. Aguayo, Regional Mobility Manager
at 520.432.5301 Ext 215.

The SEAGO Area Agency on Aging has elder resource directories for our four-county region.
These directories provide contact information for elder transportation services in our area. To view
these directories, see below.  Visit for rider and provider resources.

Coordination Committee
Elder Resource Directories
Coordination Committee

For information on driver training please visit or contact Jessica Aguayo at 520.432.5301 x 215. 

Elder Resource Directories