Traffic and Population Data

Functional Class

Population Data

Another major role of SEAGO's Transportation Section is the collection of population data for growth projections for the region. Population data for Arizona's Counties, Incorporated Places and Unincorporated Balance of Counties is available below:

July 1, 2023 Population Estimates
July 1, 2022 Population Estimates
July 1, 2021 Population Estimates

July 1, 2020 Population Estimates
July 1, 2019 Population Estimates

Arizona Office of Employment & Population Statistics  (state and county population projections for 2015-2050)   

Us Census Bureau National Population Projections  

Another valuable resource for state demographics is the Maricopa Association of Governments' interactive State Demographic Map Viewer.


Traffic Data Management System (TDMS)

This program enables you to search SEAGO's traffic count database and generate printable, easy-to-read traffic count reports.

Our Traffic Data Management System (TDMS) is the central repository for local traffic counts within the SEAGO region. Traffic counts stored in this database were collected and provided to SEAGO by our local jurisdictions and by consultants specializing in traffic data collection. The Traffic Data Management System is updated immediately when an agency uploads a recent count to the system. Each count was taken during a continuous 24-hour period, beginning on the date indicated. Counts longer than 24 hours were divided into distinct 24-hour intervals and stored in the database as separate records.


Traffic Data Collection Program (TDCP)

The SEAGO Five-Year Strategic Plan (2017-2022) identified the development of an internal traffic count program as the top priority for the SEAGO Transportation Program.  The strategic planning committee felt that building this capacity internally will eliminate the costs associated with contracting with a consulting firm to gather this data, and would reduce agency data collection costs.  The purpose of the SEAGO Traffic Count Program is to:

·  Assist local member agencies through the collection of traffic count data to support transportation plans, traffic studies/analyses, grant applications, and road maintenance programs.

·  Support local roadway functional classification requests.

·  Provide fee-based services to non-member public and private entities to support economic development activities.

·  Support ADOT HPMS program.


Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS)

Starting with Calendar Year 2018, ADOT assumed the responsibility of collecting all HPMS data for the state, including HPMS data associated with local government roads. For more information involving ADOT’s HPMS program please click HERE

Functional Class

Functional Classification

Functional classification is the grouping of highways, roads and streets by the character of service they provide and was developed for transportation planning purposes. More detailed information about functional classification be found HERE.

In 2013/2014, SEAGO, along with our member agencies conducted a comprehensive review of the federal functional classification of all roadways in the region. To view the results of that effort, please click HERE.