Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

SEAGO receives approximately $1,525,000 in federal highway construction and safety funds each year for the Transportation Improvement Program, or TIP. These funds are awarded to SEAGO members on a competitive basis, and once the SEAGO Executive Board approves a project, it is placed on the TIP. Use of these funds requires a 5.7 percent cash match from the recipient.

Funding for the SEAGO TIP comes from federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds and varies from year to year. This funding is discretionary on the part of ADOT, and is based on a formula derived by ADOT using current population estimates. The funding also varies in accordance with the Obligation Authority (OA) provided to ADOT each year by the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA). This OA percentage has varied from 85 percent to 105 percent, depending on the perceived need to reduce the federal deficit.

2024 - 2028 TIP

TIP Amendment No. 1

TIP Amendment No. 2

TIP Amendment No. 3

TIP Amendment No. 4

TEP Amendment No. 5

TIP Public Notice

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Transportation projects funded under Title 23 and the Federal Transit Act in the US must be included in a federally approved Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that outlines projects over a four-year period. STIP projects must align with the long-range transportation plan and metropolitan transportation improvement programs, reflecting expected funding and transportation priorities. Additionally, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in nonattainment areas must perform conformity determinations to ensure transportation plans don't negatively impact air quality.

These conformity determinations show that the Current STIP. As a product of all the regional TIPs, is consistent with the air-quality goals in the applicable Arizona State Implementation Plans (SIPs).  Click below to find out more.

Learn more at the Arizona Department of Transportation TIP page.