State Competitive Accounts

In addition to the non-competitive Regional Account CDBG program, ADOH reserves a portion of Arizona’s federal CDBG allocation for competitive grant opportunities. The State Special Projects round is held annually, and the Colonias Set-Aside is offered on a two-year cycle. 


State Special Projects Account


ADOH reserves 15% of its annual CDBG allotment from HUD for a state-wide annual competitive grant cycle known as State Special Projects (SSP). The SSP funding round is announced each spring as an Information Bulletin from ADOH. Applications are submitted directly to the ADOH and are rated and ranked by state staff according to specific scoring criteria. SSP grants may be up to $300,000.


Generally speaking, SSP grant applications can be one of two types:


-  “Shovel ready” applications for projects ready to implement (land secured, planning and design complete, completed environmental review, etc).

-  “Planning Only” applications to get the project ready to implement, such as for completion of engineering studies, design or construction plans, environmental review, land acquisition, or other components. “Planning Only” SSP grants typically require a commitment to use the communities’ next Regional Account allocation to implement the plans.



Colonias Set Aside Account


In addition to the SSP set-aside, ADOH reserves 10% of its annual HUD allocation for competitive CDBG grant cycle called the Colonias Set Aside. This is a federally-mandated program reserved for improvements to areas known as Colonias. Colonias are designated neighborhoods within 150 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border in need of significant improvements to basic infrastructure such as water, sewer, or safe and sanitary housing. Unlike the annual SSP program, which is a state-wide competition, the Colonias Set Aside is specifically earmarked for the border region of the state. Because the SEAGO region covers southeast Arizona, including two of the state’s four border counties (Cochise and Santa Cruz), the Colonias program is uniquely suited for the SEAGO region: outside of Maricopa and Pinal counties, the SEAGO region contains over half of Arizona’s designated Colonias.


The Colonias Set Aside runs on a two-year cycle, and a Notice of Funding Availability is announced bi-annually by ADOH. Typically the funds available are up to $2 million, which may be awarded to multiple applicants depending on the number of applicants, their respective application scores and requested funding amount. Applications are submitted directly to ADOH and are rated and ranked by state staff according to specific scoring criteria. Projects are typically limited to water, wastewater or stormwater improvements, or housing rehabilitation, but applicants are encouraged to contact SEAGO for consultation about Colonias and other competitive CDBG funds.


Application Assistance


As with the Regional Account CDBG program, SEAGO’s Community Development Department assists member communities with planning, budgeting, technical assistance, application preparation, project management and grant administration, start to finish. 


For more information on competitive CDBG grants, please contact William Osborne, CDBG Program Manager at 520.432.5301 (ext 203).